In 2020, The Mandel Center for Leadership is offering new leadership opportunities for Federation’s partner agencies, synagogues and other Jewish organizations throughout the Palm Beaches. Now our entire community can benefit from one-on-one coaching, training, workshops and assistance developing current and future community leaders.

Any partner agency or individual interested in services should contact Whitney Cherner, Senior Director of the Mandel Center, at

Here are a few upcoming leadership programs:

Andy Goodman

Secrets of Successful Storytelling: Cultivating and Fine-Tuning Your Unique Story
Thursday, January 9, 2020
4 – 6 p.m.
Jewish Federation
Did you know the secret to inspiring people to donate starts with your own story? Learn best practices of storytelling from nationally known expert Andy Goodman. Click here to learn more and register.

Third Annual Leadership Luncheon: Lead as a Mensch
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Palm Beach Synagogue
Join us for the only event that brings together community leaders from all of our local Jewish organizations. Rabbi David Jaffe will teach us how to Lead as a Mensch. Registration information coming soon.

Here are a few recent leadership programs:

• December 2019:
Federation leaders participated in a Take Action Tour of the local Jewish community to gain a better understanding of the partner agencies.
• November 2019:
Anne Melvin from Harvard University met with more than 50 leaders for training in Successful Solicitations.