Hey teens, Project Tikvah is back!

For the second of our three-part series, we’re focusing on LGBTQ Jewish identity and allyship. Sessions will begin in February and will be held at local synagogues and JCCs*. We’re excited to be partnering with Keshet, which works for the full equality of LGBTQ Jews and their families in Jewish life.

During Project Tikvah, you’ll:
• Explore LGBTQ terms and concepts through a lens of Jewish values
• Learn about Keshet’s resources, programs, and spaces for LGBTQ and ally teens
• Gain the tools and skills to advocate for LGBTQ equality and belonging in your home, school, Jewish community and world 
• Ensure that our Jewish communities are spaces where we can all bring our whole selves, and feel seen and valued, regardless of who we love or how we identify

All participants will receive 15 hours of community service upon completion of the program.

Sunday, February 6, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Mandel JCC – Boynton Beach
Sunday, February 13, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Temple Israel in West Palm Beach
Sunday, February 27, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Mandel JCC – Palm Beach Gardens

Cost: $18, winter series

Got questions? Send them to

Thank you to our partners who are hosting our Project Tikvah sessions: Mandel JCC campuses in Boynton Beach and Palm Beach Gardens, and Temple Israel 

*Masks are required for attendance. In-person attendance at programs and events carries with it an inherent risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus. Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County considers guidance from public health agencies when planning in-person events but cannot ensure that infections will not occur. By attending the event, you acknowledge that you understand and assume the risk of contracting COVID-19, just as you could in any public setting. Regular handwashing, sanitizing, and observing social distancing are encouraged. Please do not attend or remain at the event if you are experiencing any symptoms.

Please complete the application below:

By filling out this registration form, I plan to participate in Project Tikvah, Spring 2022. I give the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County permission to use and publish any photographs of me from the program. I give permission to use the contact information, including email addresses, to be used for mass emails and information on Jewish teen programming in the Palm Beaches. I have read and approved this waiver and plan to attend the program. Entering the applicant’s and parent/guardian’s name below constitutes an online signature.
Type full name to sign electronically.
Type full name to sign electronically.
If you need financial assistance, please email