Vivian Lieberman’s donation marks the latest significant gift of Federation’s 2022-2023 season.

Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County continues a historic season of philanthropy with our latest remarkable announcement: Palm Beach Gardens resident and dedicated, longtime leader, Vivian Lieberman, has made a gift of $2.5 million through a combination of annual and legacy commitments. With her special passion and deep commitment for Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy, our biennial women’s leadership and celebration event known as the Applause Event has been renamed the Vivian Lieberman Applause Event.

Lieberman’s remarkable gift symbolizes her broad support for many causes, and Federation’s mission to care for, connect, inspire and protect the Jewish community. In addition to her multi-year commitment to Federation’s Annual Campaign – our primary fundraising vehicle to address the needs of today’s Jewish community locally and abroad – Lieberman’s gift will bolster programs and initiatives at several local Jewish organizations including the Mandel JCC in Boynton Beach and Palm Beach Gardens, Temple Judea in Palm Beach Gardens and Alpert Jewish Family Service (JFS) to fund a support group for families impacted by addiction. The group, which Lieberman attends regularly is named after her son, Jay, who passed away from addiction. Lieberman is also celebrated as a Forever Lion of Judah, after endowing her annual gift to Women’s Philanthropy. Forever Lions are recognized among the most dynamic philanthropic Jewish women in the world.

After witnessing first-hand over the years Federation’s far-reaching impact, it is equally a tremendous honor to give in a lasting, meaningful way to an organization that has provided me purpose, pride and a true sense of community. I never thought I could give in such a significant way however once I learned an endowment could include funding through my life insurance and will, I quickly saw how I could make a significant impact and help as many people as possible for years to come, particularly for causes I’m passionate about including women’s issues, those battling addiction and more. I’m honored to create this legacy and encourage women to consider how they can give in their name to causes close to their heart.

Lieberman’s gift serves among the lead commitments to Campaign for the Future, the largest campaign in the history of Jewish Palm Beach. This comprehensive fundraising campaign seeks to grow annual fundraising, increase the number of multi-year pledges, and create new endowments to meet the needs of our growing community – Today, Tomorrow, and Forever. The campaign integrates many forms of giving, including the Annual Campaign and Targeted Giving – both to support our community’s short-term needs of Today and Tomorrow, and long-term needs through endowments at Federation’s William A. Meyer Jewish Community Foundation.

To discuss your involvement in this bold effort, contact your Federation representative or Matt Kernkraut, Chief Development Officer, at 561.242.6640 or matthew.kernkraut@jewishpalmbeach.org.

About Vivian Lieberman

A Detroit native, Lieberman first became a seasonal resident of the Palm Beaches in 1995 before making it her permanent home in 2014. Over the years, she has become one of the Jewish community’s hardest-working and inspiring volunteer leaders. Her extraordinary dedication was recognized in 2022 on a national level when she received the annual Kipnis-Wilson/Freidman Award at the International Lion of Judah Conference. This is Women’s Philanthropy’s highest honor, given annually to Lions of Judah who have demonstrated the highest ideals of leadership and philanthropy. Locally, Vivian currently serves as Women’s Philanthropy Campaign Chair and a member of the Federation Executive Committee, as well as on the Boards for Mandel JCC and Temple Judea. She has previously served as Women’s Philanthropy Board Chair; co-chair for the Federation campaign for BallenIsles community, where she is a resident; and on the Board at Alpert Jewish Family Service.