
Remembering October 7: A Night of Unity & Community – Registration

One year after one of the most horrific days in modern Jewish history, our community is joining for a powerful event to commemorate the fateful events of October 7 and to recognize the resilience of the Jewish people. 

  • Stand together as a community of all faiths and backgrounds to represent collective hope for a brighter future.
  • Experience a Nova Music Festival survivor’s first-hand account.
  • Hear illuminating insights from leading global voice Ambassador Michael Oren.
  • Listen to our community’s shlicha (Israel emissary) share her compelling perspective as an Israeli living in the U.S. on October 7 and in its aftermath.
  • Honor the survivors and first responders, pray for the safe return of hostages, and recognize the solidarity and resilience of the Jewish people.

Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County is proud to present this program in partnership with several organizations and synagogues. This program is most suitable for those over the age of 13.

Monday, October 7
6 p.m.  Doors open

7 p.m.  Program begins promptly

Cohen Pavilion at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts
West Palm Beach

Free Community Event

Chairs: Susan Shulman Pertnoy & Ronnie Pertnoy

Due to limited space, pre-registration is required, and walk-ins cannot be accommodated.

Event Committee

Wayne  Amchin
Shikma Araky-Cohen
Sanford Baklor
Sandy Heller & Jim Baldinger
Gerald Bellsey
Maayan Benhorin
Rabbi Danielle Bensimhon
Marjorie & Barry S. Berg
Eileen Berman & Jay Bauer
Rabbi Avi Billet
Helen & Harold Bix
Barbara Friedman & David Blanken
Keith B. Braun
David Buchalter
Janice   Burg Levi
Jan & Rob Burke
Tracy & State Rep. Mike Caruso
Kimberly Coombs
Rabbi Carlie Daniels
Deedee Daumit
Jason DelGrosso
Charlie Eaton
Sharon & Neil Efron
Terri Sriberg & Donald M. Ephraim
Ellen Falk
Eric Forti
Mark Frankl
Rabbi Anthony Fratello
Harris S. Fried
Linda Garfunkel
Linda Geller-Schwartz
Donna Baumzweig & David Ginsberg
Chris Goldberg
Lauren Kramer & Yuri Goldvasser
Ilene Grayev
Carol & Earle Halsband
Bob Herzog
Marc Hopin
Gayle Jacobs
Keith James
Sheila & Bob Josephberg
Morli Josza
Shaina Kamen
Jane Karp
Stephanie & Ilan Kaufer
James Kay
Ethan Kernkraut
Andrew Koerner
Christina Lambert
Kerryn Lehman
Judy & Artie Lehrhoff
Gail & Dan Leitman
Roslyn Leopold
Debra & Gregg Lerman
Mitchell Leshin
Adam Levitt
Vivian Lieberman
Erna S. & Sam D. Liebovich
Karen List
Zelda Mason
Melissa McKinlay
William A. Meyer
Laurence R. Milstein
Rabbi Shneor Minsky
Beth & Steven Myers
Sandy & Ralph Myron
Joshua Neidich
Sue & Ron Panitch
Erica Paul
Gerald Ranzal
Nadine Richterman
Adam Ricked
Faye Rosch
Debra Roshfeld
Diane & Seth Scherer
Andrea & Alan Schoen
Alex Aron & Adam Seligman
Brian Seymour
Debbie Shapiro
Betsy & Richard Sheer
Rabbi Moshe Shiner
Lainey & Beryl Simonson
Ilan Sinelnikov
Carole Solomon & Charles Tapiero
Anne & Jeffrey Stanfield
Ronda Starr
Diane & Martin Sterenbuch
David Stern
Debbie & David Stern
Cantor Abbie Strauss
Linda Teitelbaum
Nan & Ira Theodore
Agi Thompson
Ken Tillman
Elissa & Moshe Vessal
Judy Volchik
Susan Wakshul
Gary Walk
Kelly Warsaw
Joanne Warshaver
Beth Wayne
Nini Krever & Eric Weiner
Alla Weisz
Paula Newmark & Joel Yudenfreund

Featured Speaker: Michael Oren

Statesman, historian, soldier, author, Michael Oren has had long and distinguished career. Born in New York and educated at Princeton and Columbia, Oren moved to Israel in the 1970s, serving as a IDF lone soldier in the paratroopers. He later served as an advisor to Israel’s delegation to the UN, to former Foreign Minister Abba Eban and to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

In 2009, Michael Oren was appointed Israel’s ambassador to the United States. Returning to Israel, Oren was elected to Knesset—Israel’s parliament—where he headed a classified committee on international affairs. Currently, Oren is the president of the Hadas Malka Center supporting Israel Border Police and their families, and is the founder of Israel 2048, dedicated to stimulating and facilitating dialogue on Israel’s future.

For more information, please contact Aline De Souza at aline.desouza@jewishpalmbeach.org or 561.242.6675.

Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County is committed to providing universal access to our events whenever possible. Please contact our Disability Navigator at jdn@jewishpalmbeach.org or 561.209.2614 to discuss reasonable accommodations. Some accommodations such as scheduling an interpreter may require prior notice of one week before the event date.

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