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Shabbat Services

Temple Beth David 4657 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Every Saturday Shabbat Services 9:15am to 12pm @  Temple Beth David Minyan virtually Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 6:30 and Sunday 9am online here  

NAMI Family-to-Family

NAMI Family-to-Family not only provides information and strategies for taking care of the person you love, but you’ll also find out that you’re not alone. Recovery is a journey, and there is hope.

NOW (NAMI On Wednesdays)

NAMI Palm Beach 1520 10th Ave North Suite D, Lake Worth Beach, FL, United States

Also known as the drop-in center, NAMI On Wednesdays is a time for Peer Council members to drop in for socialization, crafts, and games.

JCC Annual Meeting

Mandel JCC Palm Beach Gardens 5221 Hood Rd, Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Please contact Samantha Klein 561-736-4762  

Shabbat/Friday Night Worship Services – Temple Israel

Temple Israel 1901 North Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL

Join us for our Friday night worship services led by Rabbis Carlie & Ryan Daniels and Cantorial Soloist Suzanne Guinane.  Our services are also available via livestream on our Facebook page (and saved for later viewing as well.) Contact our Office at (561) 833-8421 or for more information.