Since 1973, the Arthur I. Meyer Jewish Preparatory School has served as the premier Jewish day school for the Palm Beaches. The school has educated thousands of students in a nurturing, world-class environment rooted in Jewish values.
Recognizing the remarkable growth of Jewish Palm Beach and in honor of Meyer Prep’s 50th anniversary, Federation’s William A. Meyer Jewish Community Foundation has established an endowment fund that will support Meyer Prep long into the future.
Your contribution to the Meyer Prep Legacy Endowment will ensure our day school thrives as a strong and vibrant educational institution today, tomorrow and forever.
Choose your preferred method to make a donation to this impactful and forward-thinking effort:
- Donate using the form on this webpage.
- Contact Rachel Berg, Executive Director of the Meyer Jewish Community Foundation, at or 561.242.6612.
- Write a check to Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, and please write “Meyer Prep Legacy Endowment” in the memo line.
You can mail your check to:
Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County
Meyer Prep Legacy Endowment
1 Harvard Circle, Suite 100
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
100% of the proceeds of this endowment support Meyer Prep, who will be notified of your generous donation.