
Whether you closed a gift or not, always remember to thank a prospect for their time.

Say Thanks

If the prospect made a pledge:

Hi, ______. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me the other day to discuss your commitment to Federation this year. I really enjoyed discussing your passions and how they align with Federation’s values and impact. Thank you again for your generous commitment. Your gift empowers the transformative work of Federation and its partners so that together, we can continue building one of the most inspiring, welcoming and vibrant communities anywhere. I look forward to seeing you soon.

If the prospect is unable to make a pledge:

Hi, ______. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I understand that you are currently unable to commit to a pledge to Federation this year. I hope you’ll continue taking part in the many ways Federation connects us to our community: volunteer through our Jewish Volunteer Center, attend a speaker or educational event, or join us on a travel experience, just to name a few. I look forward to being in touch so I can provide more information to you about opportunities that align with your interests.

If the prospect needed to discuss their pledge with spouse/financial planner before making a commitment:

Hi, ______. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I hope you’ve had a few days to consider what might be a meaningful pledge for you to make to Federation this year. We are grateful for the impact your gift can help Federation make in our community. When would be a good time for me to follow up with you? I look forward to speaking with you. Thank you for your consideration!

Report Back To Your Federation Campaign Professional

Send an email to your campaign professional to report your pledges. Please include:

  • Your name
  • The name of your prospect
  • The amount of the pledge
  • How the gift came in (phone, email, in person)

Stay In Touch

Send along items from Federation that might be of personal interest to the donor; perhaps an event invitation or service opportunity, an article in the local newspaper or even something fun based on a personal connection you made (i.e. sports or TV show-related article). It’s these touch points that create a more meaningful relationship for you, for the donor and for Federation.


Any questions? Reach out to your campaign professional or submit your question here.