MLI Cohort 3 Application

“Leaders drive change.” – Dr. Erica Brown

The Mandel Leadership Institute (MLI) is the premier volunteer leadership development program for Jewish community members who live or work in the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County catchment area: from Boynton in the South, to Wellington in the West, to Martin County in the North. Drawing from their prior leadership experience and what they learn during MLI sessions, participants will cultivate their legacy in the Palm Beach Jewish community. MLI’s program will stimulate leadership by engaging participants with both thought-provoking and practical materials by Dr. Erica Brown – author, professor, scholar, lecturer and a star in the Jewish world.

MLI Cohort 4 Application

Application Due: Friday, July 30, 2021

Fill out this application in its entirety and attach a JPEG photo of yourself.
You will be notified if you have reached the interview round.

Dates will be pre-selected and distributed at the first meeting.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please note that if you are selected for MLI Cohort 4, this photo will be displayed on the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County's website and may be used in published materials related to this program.
Please note that if you are selected for MLI Cohort 4, this biography will be displayed on the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County's website and may be used in published materials related to this program.