Historic Campaign Sees $42 million Contributed to Jewish Federation for Addressing Increased Community Needs August 12, 2022 Federation President and...
Historic Campaign Sees $42 million Contributed to Jewish Federation for Addressing Increased Community Needs August 12, 2022 Federation President and...
Jewish Federation’s popular weekly TV news magazine, mosaic, is now available as a podcast. Listeners can access the program on...
J.N. Somers Yad Hebrew School for Students with Differing Abilities Registration Now Open for 2023-2024 School Year Jewish Learning for...
Federation Named 2022 Nonprofit of the Year by South Florida Business Journal June 2022 The South Florida Business Journal...
By Melissa Arden Vice President, Community Strategy & Planning Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County June 2022 In late May,...
Jewish Palm Beach is experiencing unprecedented growth, with more than 200,000 Jewish people projected to live in our community by...
Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County’s Inclusivity Statement, which was adopted by Federation’s Board of Directors on May 12, 2022,...
Mission Chairs: Mimi & Ken Heyman You are invited to a unique, powerful experience exploring the history and modern-day involvement...
Thank you for registering for the Volunteer2Gether Mission to Israel. Complete the below form to pay your balance.
Interviewing for a job is a lot like dating, and Career Connections is here to help you with that perfect...