Welcome to your source for everything young and Jewish in the Palm Beaches!
This is the place to help you shape your Jewish journey. Looking for a way to make a unique difference in your community? How about a once-in-a-lifetime travel experience? Or new way to meet people? Build your journey here.
Some programs listed here have associated fees, but don’t let that stop you. Please scroll down to see the scholarships available to you.
See something (or several somethings) that you want to connect with?
Contact Benjamin Sanders, Director of Teen Engagement at benjamin.sanders@jewishpalmbeach.org or 561.242.6614.
Find programs that help Jewish teens develop leadership skills to benefit the Jewish community, Israel and the world around us.

JSU (Jewish Student Union)
Jewish teens of all backgrounds and denominations are invited to participate in an NCSY Student Union (JSU) club. NCSY runs more than 250 JSU clubs on high school campuses across the country that give teens the opportunity to connect with Israel and expore their own Jewish identity in fun and exciting ways. Participation is free. Click here to see if there’s a JSU club on your high school campus. Click here to learn more.

zIsrael Fellowship
Meet up for monthly educational, social and volunteer opportunities with other 9th-12th graders who are interested in Israel, and discover what being a Jewish teen means to you. Gain leadership skills and learn to advocate for Israel in your own unique way. You’ll attend a Shabbaton at a local hotel in the spring with visiting members of Federation’s TZAHAR (Tzfat, Hatzor HaGlilit and Rosh Pina) Partner Region and hear first-hand about life in Israel. Click here to learn more

Project Tikvah
Join Project Tikvah and make a difference in the world with other middle and high school students. Each of three 5-week sessions is composed of virtual learning and hands-on social action projects. Past projects have included gleaning tomatoes with CROS Ministries and packing school supplies for students in need. The Fall 2021 session will help teens learn to stand up for Israel and against antisemitism in partnership with Stand With Us. Click here to learn more

Philanthropy Tank
Have an idea that will change the world? Share your sustainable, service-driven solution to a problem in our community and you may earn funding to implement your project! Students in 8th-12th grade are encouraged to apply for mentorship and funding for their community-impact project ideas. Click here to learn more

Ready to take action against antisemitism and learn how to stand up for Israel in effective ways? The StandWithUs organization supports Israel and fights antisemitism through education in middle and high schools. Click here to learn more

Alexander Muss High School in Israel
Spend a semester, mini-mester or summer overseas through Alexander Muss High School in Israel. Gain greater insight and perspective on Israel, its people, customs, outlooks, and more through this immersive program. See new terrain, natural wonders, museums and landmarks, and return with an experience that make you more well-rounded for college acceptance. Students stay in contact with their families for free with messaging through Skype, FaceTime and WhatsApp. Click here to learn more

Birthright Israel
Interested in taking a 10-day trip to Israel at no cost? Birthright Israel provides free educational trips to Israel for Jewish young adults age 18-32. Travel throughout the country, exploring historic, cultural and religious sites. Hike, raft and take in Israel’s natural landscape. Learn what it’s like to live in Israel from Israelis of the same age who will join your trip and introduce you to local culture, music and food…and friendship! Click here to learn more

March of the Living
Join March of the Living, Southern Region U.S.A., for a two-week program in Poland and Israel that explores the richness and anguish of our past and hope for the future. On Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Jewish teens and adults from all over the world meet in Poland and march from Auschwitz to Birkenau, the largest concentration camp complex built during World War II. Then travel to Israel to observe Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day) and celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). Click here to learn more

Masa Israel Journey
Want to explore Israel in a way that works for you? Masa Israel Journey offers a choice of study abroad, internship, service learning and Jewish studies opportunities for young adults age 18-30. Masa (“journey” in Hebrew) provides authentic, life-chaning journeys through Israeli society, culture, politics and history, helping you to learn and grow while developing a global profesional network. Click here to learn more

Onward Israel
Interested in an immersive, resume-building experience in Israel? Onward Israel offers affordable six- to ten-week internships, academic study and fellowships for young adults who are entering the labor force in a globalized world. Cross-cultural immersion through direct contact with your Israeli peers can help you become more well-rounded for your own benefit, as well as for future employers and academic programs. Click here to learn more

BBYO (high school)
Ice skate, camp overnight, participate in communal Shabbat celebrations, learn leadership skills and more through Gold Coast Region BBYO. BBYO programs focus on leadership development, social activities and community service/social action events for Jewish teens throughout Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Events are planned by teens for teens, and there’s always a parent, advisor or regional staff member on hand to ensure safety and health. Click here to learn more

Build a strong connection to your Jewish roots with NCSY. Started by the Orthodox Union, NCSY connects, inspires and empowers Jewish teens and encourages passionate Judaism through Torah and Tradition. Through informal education, retreats and summer program, you will build connections, learn leadership skills and develop a positive Jewish identity. Click here to learn more

Want to make a difference and have fun doing it? Get together with other teens through NFTY, a youth group rooted in Reform Judaism. You’ll take part in activities focused on tikkun olam (repairing the world), learning for personal growth and teen empowerment while making lasting friendships. Click here to learn more

USY (high school)
Join USY for year-round programs and travel opportunities that inspire a sense of pride in being Jewish. From leadership training to social programs to sports leagues to community servide and Israel advocacy, USY gives you the chance to see the broader world around you. Rooted in the Conservative Movement, USY has been helping Jewish young adults develop the values and skills needed to become exceptional leaders in their religious and secular communities for more than 60 years. Click here to learn more

Jooking to do something Jewish in college? Join Hillel, the world’s largest Jewish student organization, to meet other Jewish college students and explore, experience and create your unique Jewish identity and sense of belonging in a way that speaks to you post-high school. Hillel operates at more than 550 colleges and universities. Click here to learn more

Arthur I. Meyer Jewish Preparatory School (K-8)
Looking for a Jewish Day School? Arthur I. Meyer Jewish Preparatory School provides state-of-the-art Jewish education through 8th grade. For more than 45 years, the school has educated future community leaders through a dual-language curriculum in a warm and nurturing environment. Click here to learn more

J.N. Somers Yad Hebrew School for Children with Differing Abilities
Teens with differing abilities learn Jewish traditions, holiday rituals and Hebrew prayers in a fun, one-to-one, barrier-free environment at the J.N. Somers Yad Hebrew School for Children with Differing Abilities. If your teen attends self-contained classes in public school or private special education and learns most effectively in a smaller class size, he/she will benefit from the Yad Hebrew School environment and approach to teaching through the lens of Jewish values. Email Wilma Turk to learn more

PJ Our Way
Kids up to 12 years old can receive free Jewish books written for their age through PJ Our Way. This program lets kids pick their own book each month from the website and ships them free to your home. Kids can even submit reviews or videos about the books they read. Click here to learn more
Synagogue Schools
Looking for a synagogue or religious school? Find one in your area using these resources. Click here to learn more.
Family Reimbursement Fund
If you and your family need help paying for education-related services or supplies, you may be eligible to receive a reimbursement of up to $500 each year from the Family Reimbursement Education Fund. The Fund provides financial assistance on a first come, first-served basis to help Jewish families cover the cost of goods and services related to educational needs that are not reimbursed or available through other sources. Learn more
Gift of Israel Vouchers
A Gift of Israel voucher provides $360 toward an Israel experience. Any student whose bar or bat mitzvah was held in the Federation service area may apply. Click here to email us about applying
Israel Experience Scholarship
If you are hoping to participate in a teen/young adult Israel travel program and need help with the cost, consider applying for an Israel Experience Scholarship. Check eligibility requirements here (link to eligibility and pre-approved program list) and see if your program qualifies for an Israel Experience Scholarship. Learn more
Jewish Education Loan Fund (JELF)
If the cost of college, other post-high school education or graduate school is too high, the Jewish Education Loan Fund (JELF) can help. Jewish students living in the Palm Beaches can apply for interest-free, need-based loans to bridge the gap between their existing financial resources and the cost of attending higher education. Learn more
Apply for a JTI Impact Grant to use toward any Jewish program. This $100 grant is available once per school year to teens in grades 6-12. Click here to email us about applying
March of the Living Scholarship can help you participate in the March of the Living travel experience by making it more affordable. Please consider applying if you’d like help paying for this annual experience that brings students from around the world to Poland and Israel to explore the richness and anguish of our past and hope for the future. Learn more
An Overnight Camp Scholarship can help make the magic of Jewish summer camp affordable for teens. Jewish teens in Federation’s service area (Boynton Beach north through Vero Beach) are eligible to receive financial need-based scholarships to attend approved Jewish overnight summer camps across the country. Please check the Foundation for Jewish Camp’s approved list of programs to see if the camp you want to attend is eligible. Learn more
Get help paying for important expenses with a Hebrew Free Loan through Federation. Financial assistance is available for general needs like paying rent/mortgage, a car payment, etc., as well as for Jewish community expenses like synagogue membership, Jewish lifecycle events (bar/bat mitzvah, brit milah, etc.) or participation in Jewish programs. Learn more